I always have so much to be thankful for. Like the M&Ms reminded me yesterday I am lucky even when it comes to the little things. But today after very rough night #186629. Ok actually rough night #3 I was a mess. A MESS this morning. I can barely even function anymore however, I am so thankful for the series of events that unfolded to make me realize I matter and I am loved. First my poor hubby (who was up and dealing with my crying breakdown at 4am) emailed me to let me know he was coming home early. Super early in fact, I just had to meet him at the gate at 10:30 for pick up. I made it there at 10:44. A little late but I was surprised this mornministry a mini sprinkle from my running buddies and good friends! Those two (plus the one who is also preggo but couldn't make it because the poor thing was booked to work a 13 hour day on her feet chatting it up with clients as she cut and styled for the holidays. By the way this news made me thankful I can sit when I need too!), put on a beautiful little breakfast sprinkle. The china was out, the table was gorgeous and thankfully the leftovers were packed for me to take home because the food was super yummy!!! Sprout was sprinkled with diapers and wipes (Cindy I am starting to have a legit pile now!). And the one thing I was on the hunt for was wrapped and waiting. An adorable diaper bag!!!! I am going to pack it for the hossy this weekend!!!
The rest of my day was spent mostly alone since D had Ella outside playing while I folded laundry in silence. I got in a cat nap followed by an hour (and still counting) of quiet sitting, texting and facebooking and doing whatever I want, while Ella naps. I got to text chat with some far away and greatly missed family. I received an an amazing compliment from someone who said they wish they were half the mom I was (but they themselves are amazing!). And I am dreaming up what I want for dinner, Pinterest has way too many good ideas!
So today I am thankful that I kept my sanity (even if, only according to D, it's hanging by a thread). So thread that is keeping me together that has been made stronger by the friends and family who help hold me together, thank you!!! So just in case anyone sees me out and about tomorrow, if I look like hell remember I'm being held together by one strong thread please don't be the knife who breaks me. And Mother Nature I'm telling ya right now. You sent Irene and ruined my Kenny plans do not. I repeat do NOT prevent me from my much needed accupuncture appointment! I need to go see Emily and get poked or I may just lose it!!! Not to mention my much desired pedi appointment tomorrow night!!!!
Austin Richard
5 years ago
So yesterday you called Sprout a she...is she a she? Or are you still waiting to find out on the big day?
And I feel the rough nights. Believe me, I spent about 20 weeks with very little sleep while waiting on Allie to get here.
Okay, actually it was like 3 days ago that you called her a she...but I just read it yesterday :)
hahaha no I do not know what Sprout is. I was just tired and have a habit of saying her since I usually blog about Ella :0). And yes it really has been WEEKS since I got more than 3 hours of sleep a night. Not even consecutive sleep just spurts that add up to about 3 hours but for some reason these last 3 nights have been so much worse! By the way Allie is a doll!!! And I am loving all your what I learned with 2 posts because I will be with 2 before I know it!!!
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