It's the little things...

Really out of everything that I could dream of having: trips around the world, enough money to buy myself a billion Coach bags, a beautiful grand house, my dream car, diamonds and pearls, money for a tummy tuck and a boob lift, seriously out of anything I can think of, the thing I would want the MOST.... is the little things that I already have.

Each and every day I am just so amazed at how lucky I am to listen to my daughter sing in the back seat. Have you heard her rendition of "Twinkle twinkle" yet? Just tonight I was sitting here thinking that I would not trade in any of my little moments for all the gold in the world. I love each and every little thing that I am blessed with. I love that my husband is a complete half in our parenting. In fact he is doing bath time right now so I can get a break and type this. He also finished up dinner tonight so I could go for a run (by the way I ran another 3 miles straight!) I love that my dad came to the rescue for Ella today with a special delivery of two pumpkins to replace the ones that were smashed last night. In fact I loved the light in Ella's eyes as she spotted her Papa's truck out the window and the delight she took in decorating her pumpkin with stickers. I love enjoying a bowl of ice cream on the couch wrapped in a blanket while the fire is on. I love apple picking and hay rides. I love hiking and car rides. I love the fact that I hear Ella asking me to come up to read to her right now....

I love how I just spent 10 minutes reading and rocking with my daughter who knows the words on the page before I say them because we read her favorite books every night. I love how her bed time routine has morphed into family time since she insists that mommy and daddy read to her and hug her and kiss her. I love how I know when I go get her in the morning she is going to smile at me and ask for breakfast.

So I guess I would rather have ice cream on the couch then diamonds and pearls. I would rather have my soul mate who is an amazing father then enough money to buy a billion Coach bags. I would rather have car rides and hay rides then trips around the world. A family that cares so much for Ella that they go out of their way to put a smile on her face then a beautiful grand house and my dream car. My little peanut butter pie who caused the tummy roll (who am I kidding it was there before Ella) and the sagging sisters more then money for a tummy tuck and a boob lift. And yes I have a definite new favorite song in "Twinkle twinkle"!

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