Journey of a mother

What have I done to deserve the life I live? I live an amazing life and am constantly surrounded my the most amazing and loving people. My husband and my daughter mean the WORLD to me. I am so lucky in love and life, serendipity has found me.

I woke up this morning to the sound of my husband cleaning the house and my daughter happily yelling "mum book" so I went in her room to find her smiling at me with an arm full of books to read. We snuggled in my bed where she read me story after story or more accurately the same story over and over. My husband delivered us breakfast in bed (warm fresh cinnamon rolls and juice) and we sat as a family having a picnic looking at books. Then Ella gave me her gift, a beautiful card that her and Derrick had made and a gorgeous mom necklace engraved with her name. But the best gift the one that I treasure the absolute most: the moment she looked at me and said "I wuv you" and leaned in and gave me a big old smack on the lips. My heart melted, my eyes filled with tears and I was instant mush with how much I was in love with my daughter. The day continued to be absolutely perfect, we went for a 2 mile run to the horse farm and back where the laughs of delight were music to my ears. A visit to my grandmothers with a suprise bird feeder "from" Ella. We stopped in to wish my mom a happy Mother's Day where we had "tea" and Ella suprised me with another gift, a bird house she had painted all by herself and a poem with her hand print in a frame. From there we went to Derrick's mom's house where I was suprised with some beautiful flowers from Derrick's dad and a very nice dinner of chinese food and champange. Now we are home and Ella is upstairs reading and I am looking back on how it was that I got to this point:

My journey to motherhood started back when I was a little girl watching my mom be a mom. I knew from there that I wanted to be just like her. After all I love her more than a billion coach purses ;0) My mom means the world to me and I strive to be half as good as she is on a daily basis. For me though Ella didn't come easily nor fast, Derrick and I wished and prayed for her for what seemed like an eternity. The thoughts of our someday child were constantly in my head and in my dreams and the day that I found out that I would finally become a mother was a day that I will cherish FOREVER. The nine months that I carried that beautiful little girl did nothing to prepare me for the love and happiness that her smile evokes. The 56 hours of labor all done drug free that ended in 12 minutes of pushing is nothing compared to what I would do for that little girl today. (By the way thank you Ella for being such a tiny peanut so that after all that I at least got the good luck of not needing stitches because there was no tearing...tmi prehaps?) The last 17 months of motherhood has made me value love and life to its fullest. I love that little girl to pieces with a love that I never knew could exist, even after all the years of hearing my mom say that to me, that is now something that surrounds me every day.

So I am so thankful for the bundle of joy that has without knowing it took me on the best journey of my life: motherhood. I know that the journey has yet to take some turns and climb some hills (hello teen years...) but I have a great role model to guide me, a wonderful husband to support me and a daughter who I love to the moon and back :0)

Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful and amazing mother's that I am honored to know and share secrets and tips with. To all the wonderful friends who will someday (some hopefully soon!) be on the motherhood journey with me and to all the women who have hearts of mothers.


Janell said...

Awwww!! Happy Moms Day, C :)

Shelly said...

56 hours of labor?! Holy smokes! Make sure you keep that lil secret as blackmail for when L hits her teen years, lol ;) Happy Mother's Day C!

Unknown said...

Thanks Ladies! And yes Shelly I may just have to use that against her :P

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