
The rain is coming down, the temperature has dropped along with the last of the leaves and my little girl is napping. I just finished up making some strawberry cake balls and oreo truffles for a wine and chocolate lovers Lia Sophia party later tonight at Heather's house and I have some time for myself. I made a cup of tea and curled up near the fire with computer at hand. I love just sitting her in the warmth with the smells of chicken roasting and the sounds of the rain coming down. Mostly however, my favorite thing is just across the room. Curled up sound asleep on her "couch bed". She played hard this morning and did a fantastic job sharing and just wore herself out. Normally she naps upstairs in her bed (which by the way is now a big girl bed that she took to like a fish in water. One day she asked for it, I hauled it upstairs and she just climbs in and goes to sleep. And yes I did cry like a baby myself the first night we put her in it for the night. She looked so tiny and small and precious and the crib was my last baby thing. She really is a big girl now and I love that but I do miss my baby. Somedays she pretends she still is my baby and I LOVE it!!! OK wow tangent!). Usually she naps upstairs in her bed but today I put her there and she just said couch bed please mommy with her little adorable kissable lip all stuck out in a pout (thats her new thing when she is sad) so I wrapped her up and layed her on the couch and she is sleeping there. Which is fine by me because I get to sit here and drink my tea and just watch her sleep. My little love all warm and content on the couch.

Tomorrow we get to meet Jenn and Mia in Boston for The Wiggles, which Ella has made me sing "Fruit Salad" to her ALL DAY! I am pretty excited and I think she is too. She keeps saying "we're takin the bus not the train to see the Wiggles!" But as for now I just want to stop time for a little bit to just watch my baby and soak in the quiet...

Live Laugh Blog

(Live Laugh Blog by the way was a name I came up with for my friend Kellee's blog, but she used Sunshine Wishes and FOrehead Kisses instead. I like the phrase so I may just change my name or keep it as my exit line :0) In anyway Live Laugh Blog just fits for today!)

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