
My daughter does not fail to amaze me. I am amazed by her at LEAST once a day probably more like once an hour. All I have to do is stop and listen or look at her and it brings me this instant feeling of pure wonder. When did she get so grown up, so beautiful, so smart, so funny? Seriously this girl has a future in whatever she chooses to pursue. I just hope that I can foster her passions as much as she needs in order to realize that.

She is starting to get the reality of feelings and how there are different feelings for different people for the same event. As she was hanging behind her Daddy's back tonight by her ankles, I gasped "Oh boy does that make me really nervous" her response? "Oh but mommy is makes me super happy" Ummmm ok little girl just please be careful! I guess I have to let her explore and do daring things but I still am holding on to my baby girl, who is slowly transforming into my little girl and really not much of a baby at all. However, our newest playtime activity is her being my baby. I hold her like a baby and she talks like a baby and if I put her down she crawls like a baby. Maybe on days where I miss the baby in her I will just play baby all day!

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