Ringing in 2011

It's a new year and I have a hard time believing that it can be better than the last one. I mean I just had a really really really memorable 2010 and I am in love with my life. As 2010 was going out though we lost my phone (ok *I* lost my phone) my car is broken (ok our only car) and the furnace is continually shutting down and the house is FREEZING... So maybe 2011 will bring us a new phone (yes thanks to Lauren!) a new car (hopefully over the next few days) and a trip to Hawaii to stay warm through the coldest months...

We will see but even if those things don't happen it is fine by me because I am surrounded by the loves of my life and happiness.

So here is to 2011 and fulfilling my resolutions:

#1: Take time for me. Wear make-up daily and do my hair in new ways. I want to be a young and trendy mom NOT the haggled looking mom.

#2: Pay it forward as much as I can and try to do something every month that makes some stranger smile.

#3: Of course blog more. I have been very absent here and I need to blog more often and not always about good things I need to blog about the good, the bad and the ugly!

By the way Ella is also doing herself up every day *all by herself*

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