Comfy pants

Yep today's blog title says it all. Today I am thankful for my good ole, worn down, from my fat days big, blue sweatpants. After a routine 15 minute check in with the midwife turned into over an hour of being hooked up to the NST, failing it twice and being sent to ultra sound because Thing 2 is a little stinker, they were waiting for me in the closet at home. I have thrown them on, put Princess Butt down for a nap in her fort and curled up in my upright nest in bed. (Which by the way I'm thankful I have finally constructed one at the perfec angle. Since I can now rest and breath at night, leading to little bouts of sleep at last!). I have now been laying quietly, counting kicks punches and bumps, and listening to tiny little snores for almost 2 hours now. I just wish I had some ice cream to add into my perfect little afternoon treat.

So thank you sweat pants for being so warm, worn and comfy for when I need some cozy me time the most!

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